opac, catalogo, online,servizi, biblioteca, sebina

Functional requirements for bibliographic records : final report / IFLA Study group on the functional requirements for bibliographic records ; approved by the Standing committee of the IFLA Section on cataloguing. - München : K. G. Saur, 1998. - VIII, 136 p. ; 24 cm.

International federation of library associations and institutions : Study group on the functional requirements for bibliographic records

Testo a stampa (moderno) 1998

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  • Scheda
RMS$1K03@Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Lettere e culture moderne (Sede principale Scienze documentarie)


Lettere e culture moderne (Sede principale Scienze documentarie)

Inventario AB 160
Collocazione AB. B2.1134

Inventario AB 161
Collocazione AB. B2.1132

Inventario AB 9659
Collocazione AB. B2.1261
Note 1 v.