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Electronic resources

What is meant by "electronic resources"?

“Electronic resources" are electronic journals (eJournal), eBooks and databases subscribed to by Sapienza libraries. There are many electronic resources available as open access on the web too.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us

What electronic resources are available to Sapienza users?

Sapienza users have access to thousands of periodicals, over 250,000 eBooks and over 200 databases in all disciplinary fields. The list of resources, grouped by type, is available from the Electronic Resources page.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us