Document detail cover Share Find the document in other resources ???scheda.servizi.button??? Copia link The permalink has been copied, you can use it immediately.Just press Ctrl+v keys to put it where you prefer. Twitter <<Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik>> 8. :1966/67 / Schriftleitung: W. Springe E. O. Schmidt. - Weinheim : Verlag Chemie, c1969. - XXVII, 1243 p. ; 24 cm Testo a stampa (moderno) 1969 Part of Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik , 8 Write a review and share it with other readers. Find it at Details RMSCM@Ingegneria Chimica Materiali Ambiente Library ⚠ Ingegneria chimica materiali e ambiente - NON ATTIVA ⚠ Map Library Inventory CAI 6134 Shelfmark ICM sala 8.2/8 Browse bookshelf