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The Sapienza libraries

What are the Sapienza libraries?

Sapienza offers 48 libraries located in the main campus (Città universitaria) and in other branches. Some buildings house more than one library. The map containing the list of libraries, email, telephone numbers and opening hours is available at the page Sapienza Libraries

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us

I am a Sapienza student, which library can I use?

All Sapienza students have the right to access all Sapienza libraries regardless of their faculty/course of enrollment and to use their services within the limits of current regulations.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us

How can I find the Sapienza libraries pertaining to my field of study?

From the Sapienza Libraries page through the "Filter by areas" function, libraries belonging to a disciplinary area are displayed.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us

How can I access the Alessandrina library?

The Biblioteca Alessandrina is not one of the Sapienza libraries, it has its own catalog and its own management. All information for access, consultation and borrowing is available on the institutional website of the library (in Italian).

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us