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The Sapienza users

Who are the institutional users ot the Sapienza library system?

Institutional users are students, students on international mobility (such as Erasmus), professors, researchers, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, scholarship granters, technical-administrative staff and all those who have a study or work relationship (even temporary but institutional) with Sapienza University, Policlinico Umberto I, Azienda Ospedaliera Sant'Andrea, Polo di Latina and Sapienza Foundation.

All institutional users are entitled to use the services, bibliographic and electronic resources. Users having an institutional mailbox ( or can also access electronic resources from home.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us

I am a Sapienza user, what credentials may I use to access Sapienza Libraries Catalogue services?

Students, PhD candicades and postgraduates can log in using their student institutional e-mail credentials (enrollment number and password).

All other users can log in using the username and password issued by the library they registered for the first time. All information is available on the Infologin page.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us

I am a Unitelma student, can I use the services of Sapienza libraries?

Unitelma students can use the services of Sapienza libraries as external users. Once done, Unitelma users may access through SPID/CIE credentials.. They can instead use their institutional credentials to access electronic resources.

If your request concerns a specific library (for opening hours, borrowing, renewals, bookings and cancellations) please contact the library concerned.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us